Writing has always been a sort of escape for me. A way for me to process my reality and to remember them somehow. We often reflect back on where we've come from and think about what we want to accomplish. But in doing so, we often leave out or forget specific instances from those moments -- I don't want to do that. I want to make sure that I remember how I felt and what I thought about. So here's to the process and here's my attempt at understanding life as I navigate through spaces.
Similarly to archaeologists, when they uncover lost civilizations and they unearth these worlds that have long since been destroyed, you know what they find most often? They find stories: ancient languages, words, inscriptions from people who have been gone for thousands of years. Because chances are they, like you and me, wanted to know, what's the point? And they wanted us to know that they were here. They told stories and they tried to make sense out of their lives and their worlds and their tragedies. So that's what I'm hoping to do.
I want to begin writing again - about everything and anything. I want to write about my memories, my passions, my goals, and my journey through life.
The following quote has always stood out to me:
The following quote has always stood out to me:
As I sit here in a local coffee shop, I am making a promise to myself that I will continue this blog and share my experiences with people. For too long I've hid behind private blogs and feared criticisms from people and in doing so, I became comfortable sitting back and silently watching. I am not perfect, nor is my writing. But it will be helpful. Whether to myself or to someone else. It will be helpful. And I need to remember this.
So here I am - unapologetic and relentlessly honest. My name is Jeffrey and I've always aspired to be a writer so here I go. Thank you for reading and I hope you come back and share my experiences with me.
Keep at it!